We subjected Elias to his second sponge bath yesterday evening (when do baths become enjoyable to babies?). We would have documented the first sponge bath, enjoyed by all last week, but the experience really demanded the full attention of both Neal and me. Documentation can be tricky with all these firsts.
In terms of other notable events, the umbilical cord stump fell off at the doctor's visit on Saturday. That happened after Elias went numbers 1 and 2 (twice) all over myself and the nurse attempting to take his temperature. I think we must have disturbed it in our hasty attempts to keep him covered. I hope that's not the kind of thing new parents are supposed to keep because I'm pretty certain it got wrapped up in the table paper and wad of paper towels used to clean up the mess.
Otherwise, I can't speak for Neal but I'm pretty much a basket case. I'm enjoying every minute getting to know this new person, but I have to say I've never felt so incompetent in my life. When he's awake and alert I'm not sure exactly what to do with him. We've got music, stuffed animals, books, but as soon as he sneezes I'm worried we're over-stimulating him. And when he sleeps beyond when he should be just about ready for another meal, I wonder why he's so sleepy. He sleeps really well in his bassinet, but I feel guilty if I take advantage of what a good sleeper he is to get stuff done (like update this blog, for example). Neal picked up a sling carrier during a Babies 'R' Us run yesterday, so that I can "wear the baby" and hopefully not feel so guilty about taking advantage of his nap time.
As for feeding, the breastfeeding episodes have dwindled a bit in the past couple of days, I have to admit. I'm not sure he has full-blown "nipple confusion" but getting the same stuff from a bottle is just a lot easier, no matter how much they claim the nipple is as close to the real thing as a fake nipple can be. If we work at it, we can usually get him latched on, but he's incredibly frustrated by that time and of course that breaks my heart. We have a meeting with a lactation consultant later today, so we'll see if she can help, but I have to admit I'm not feeling terribly optimistic. At least I can pump and deliver the same stuff, but it is a frustrating thing when it doesn't come quite as naturally as I'd always thought it'd be.
On the other hand, it's only been a little over a week, and everyone tells me it can take up to six weeks to really get the hang of it, so I guess it's still too early to give up. As for the basket case syndrome, I've signed up for a mom's group that begins next Thursday. This is something I wasn't sure I'd want to do when I was still pregnant, but I can already see that having a support network of other new moms will probably help keep me sane over the next few months.
Now on to that resting while the baby rests thing everyone tells me to do. I think I'll try that out...
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