Here's an updated pic from earlier today. Once again, I'm wearing the same top as I had on last time, mainly because it's the one of the only things that fits that's comfortable in this suddenly summer-like weather (although, I have to say, today is much more pleasant than the past five days have been).

And here's a pic from the last photo shoot, about two and a half weeks ago, to compare:

Maybe it's just wishful thinking but I swear my belly looks lower in the top photo, the one from today. I'm not sure if he's officially "dropped" yet, but it does feel like he's continued to grow and wiggle his way down a bit just in the last week or so. And as usual, even though I think I look pretty darn big in the pics, I still feel like they don't quite do the belly justice. Especially in the last couple of days, when I've felt and looked particularly "pokey". I look down at my belly and for the first time this entire pregnancy, it seems like a separate entity.
Ah, if only that were true today. On the other hand, as I was discussing with a friend recently, I can imagine it will be a tad bittersweet when baby G and me are no longer sharing one body. I'm so used to feeling his every squirm, especially the past few weeks, it will be strange to not have that sensation anymore. Although, I'm sure I'll be way too busy and sleep-deprived for that empty belly syndrome to last long.
Anyway, here's one more pic from today's shoot. Look at those sausage fingers!

The latest pic definitely looks lower ... and more sticking-out :)
I agree, you do look lower than before.
You're not just saying that? :) We'll see if I've made any "progress" at my appointment tomorrow morning. I've got a good feeing about Father's Day, but who knows...
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