Everyone in this family is officially sick. Even the cats are on antibiotics for various ailments following their annual check-up at the vet. Elias has had a strange stomach bug/sinus/chest cold thing for a little over a week now, although he seemed mostly fine for the middle part of last week. Both he and Neal became undeniably sick by about Friday afternoon. Both seem to be on the mend although Elias seems mostly incapable of coughing up any junk rattling around in his chest without setting off his ridiculously sensitive gag reflex and emptying the contents of his stomach all over us, the floor, and the occasional innocent bystander, like his Taggies blanket or his stuffed giraffe (or maybe it's a zebra, I'm not totally sure) named Max. Max plays music so he can't go for a spin in the washer and dryer which is a total drag.
Just as the boys seemed to be coming around, I started feeling crappy yesterday afternoon. On top of the head cold and sore throat, I also hurt my back a few days ago as I bent over to wrap up the cord to the vacuum cleaner (which, I might add, has a broken wheel that every couple of minutes spins off and I have to fetch it and pop it back on) so I'm not sure if I'm achy or if not sleeping well is keeping my back from healing as quickly as it should. Woe is us. Well, at least we have our health, right? Wait a second...
Anyway, even sickly as we were/are, we managed to enjoy one of the first really nice weekends of spring with the occasional walk around the park. Here's Elias looking a little more like a fly fisher-baby than I intended by pairing his green vest with his khaki sun hat.

So serious.
These are quite possibly the cutest pictures ever! Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks, Mer. The key to the hat, as you well know, is the chin strap mit velcro. That's right, kid, good luck getting that one off! Ha! Mommy wins...
Anyway, the boys are doing much better and I think I'm coming around a little quicker than they did. My main complaint is a sore throat, which is managed pretty well with ibuprofen. I just have to remember not to take it on a completely empty stomach. Made that mistake yesterday and was not a happy camper for about a half-hour.
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