This is what we did last weekend. I'm having a hard time catching up on my baby blogging duties, and I blame the baby. Specifically his lack of napping that got worse over the course of the week, culminating in two nearly napless days on Thursday and Friday. Not only do I not get stuff done while he's not napping, but by the time we get him to bed and I get caught up on whatever it is that has to be done that day, I'm too wiped out to do much else. Fortunately, the nighttime sleep doesn't seem to be affected by whatever it is he's going through, knock on digital ether. It's odd, really. He resists the daytime nap like it's nobody's business but then at night, at least this past week, he promptly pulls himself to standing after being deposited in his crib, watches as we walk out telling him how much we love him and to have sweet dreams, all the while making the sign for sleep, and then babbles to himself for a few minutes before getting quiet. I've read that different parts of the brain are responsible for daytime and nighttime sleep. I think the part of Elias's brain that controls daytime sleep must be on vacation.

Anyway, he did a bit better this weekend, taking decent morning naps both days and even a brief afternoon nap - in his crib - this afternoon. Yesterday's afternoon nap, like both last weekend, was enjoyed on Neal's shoulder and/or in his arms. There will come a time when this is no longer physically possible.
Other than the nap regression, things are going pretty well. Last Sunday we enjoyed a lovely spring walk through Arnold Arboretum, part of Boston's "emerald necklace," where, despite temperatures this weekend that hovered in the mid 40s, we witnessed definite evidence that spring is well on its way.

Blossoms! And flowers!

I don't think I ever got so excited about trees budding and flowers blooming before moving to Boston. I don't mind winter, in theory; it's the duration that gets me. The leaves and temperatures begin to fall in October so we're talking a solid six months of twigs. Those six months feel even longer when you already spend most of your time at home with an infant. Anyway, what's sort of pathetic about all this is that this was our first visit to the arboretum despite the fact that it's just a few minutes away. Needless to say, I look forward to more of this kind of thing over the next few months.
Otherwise, Elias seems to be back on track as far as eating goes. Reducing his formula a smidge did seem to help. Last week he did pretty well with his three-course breakfast (oatmeal and fruit, followed by a bottle and then some Cheerios and pieces of banana back at the table while Mom and Dad eat) and dinner, plus the occasional snack after his mid-day bottle. I even managed to find some dairy-free teething biscuits (since we've been encouraged to hold off on all dairy for another month or so). As a friend shared with me months ago, these things can keep a baby entertained for some time, but man, are they messy! I'll leave you with a few images from Elias's first teething biscuit experience.

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