Monday, December 8, 2008

one baby in the bed

As promised, here's a short video of Elias rolling from his back onto his tummy unassisted by me (other than a little vocal coaching...Sorry for the audio - my voice tends to get really shrill when I'm cheering him on for some reason...):

Earlier today, after rolling over as in the above video, he then rolled from his tummy back onto his back. It all happened so quickly, I'm not quite sure how he did it or what prompted it. I think it might have come as a surprise to him as well because he didn't seem to have a clue as to how to do it again after that.

As for sleep, last night was a little brutal. Elias slept great in the sleepsack until about 11:30, when he woke up crying and inconsolable for about 15-20 minutes before I gave in and offered him a bottle. That put him to sleep but he woke up the second I began to lower him into his crib. He doesn't even wait until his body touches the mattress anymore. After two or three tries, still in the sleepsack, I managed to get him back to sleep until about 3:30, when he again woke up crying. Neal took that shift and spent about an hour getting him back to sleep. But after only 15 minutes or so he was awake again. At that point I gave in and fully swaddled him and he slept until about 7:30 (although Neal tells me he heard him stirring as early as 6:30).

Wow, back to the bottle and swaddle in one night. So much for making progress. I've been fully swaddling him for naps today, too, and he actually slept for about an hour and a half this morning, his longest nap in weeks. So now I'm not sure what to do. Put off the inevitable awhile longer in exchange for some much needed rest? Wait until we send him to daycare (not likely until summer or fall of next year) and let them handle it? Devote a few restless weeks after the holidays but before the semester begins to resume the efforts? He's been pretty reflux-y the past few days as well so I vacillate between wanting to nip this sleep thing in the bud and remembering that his digestive issues are likely playing a part in all this. Anyway, he's fully swaddled at the moment so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a relatively good night.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Good Job Elias - he'll get it and probably faster than you will want. Soon we'll be watching the video of him walking his first steps. You're doing great! Love to all three of you.