Wednesday, December 31, 2008

closing the door on 2008

This is one of Elias's favorite activities lately, usually while I'm getting ready in the bathroom (which is adjacent to the kitchen of our apartment, which used to be the first floor of a very large, single-family house, hence the odd layout):

Yep, that was about as exciting as it got around here, this New Year's Eve. We were supposed to head to my brother and his family's place to ring in 2009 together but decided to stay put and watch the half a dozen or so inches of snow fall throughout the day instead.

So what are our New Year's resolutions? I recently heard someone on NPR talking about how, realistically speaking, you should only have one resolution. That's one approach. Or, you can have several and odds are you'll be successful in at least one area by the end of the year. I usually have a whole list of things I'd like to work on. I'm not sure what Elias wants from the next twelve months, but I'll venture a few guesses. For starters, it'd be great if he stopped spitting up...completely (a full update from the spit-up factory shortly, I promise). Mobility. I bet he'd be down with a little more of that. A few more teeth would be nice, minus the growing pains of course. He resolves to learn baby sign language to tide him over 'til his vocabulary begins to develop. And sleeping. I'm sure sleep would be on his list. You know, the twelve hours of uninterrupted night sleep, plus a couple of solid one to two hour long naps each day. Whatdya say, kid? How 'bout we work on that tonight and get 2009 off to a great start?

Happy New Year!

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