The matching cuorduroy pants were too small. That's why we paired the shirt/vest duo with sweatpants. Nothing else matched and frankly, we usually lounge around in sweatpants most days. Why should Christmas be any different?
Also, notice that scrape on his nose? That was the mysterious grand finale to a brutal evening. I'm still not totally sure what caused it all but Elias was unusually difficult to "soothe to sleep" last night, waking up several times between 7:30 and about 10 or so, when it became clear that he wasn't just fighting sleep. We tried a little Orajel on his gums, some gas drops, swaddling, un-swaddling, pacifiers, teethers...Nothing seemed to do the trick. Our only guess is that perhaps the carrots he tried for the first time earlier in the day weren't sitting so well. Anyway, at some point as I tried to get him into a comfortable position I noticed blood on his nose. In the darkened room it looked like his nose was bleeding so I of course freaked out, ran him into the kitchen and put him on the table (just turning on the light in the bedroom didn't occur to me). After I wiped the blood away I could see it was just a scrape on his nose but even so, he was not a happy baby. I'm not sure if he scratched himself or if I accidentally scraped his nose with my nail; either way, I felt awful. Poor little guy. His first boo-boo, and on Christmas eve! After the bleeding stopped I gave him a bottle and that finally did the trick. He slept the next eight hours or so pretty soundly.
Fortunately, this evening wasn't a repeat performance, but who knows what the night has in store for us! He's keeping us on our toes, as always.
More Christmas shenanigans to follow...
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