Another exciting discovery the past few days is that Elias no longer hates his swing:

He's spent a good ten to fifteen minutes in there several times over the past few days, staring at that yellow star, which has a mirror on the side facing him, or looking up at the place where the swing meets the frame. The irony of these hands-free diversions, of course, is that Neal and I tend to just watch him and take pictures. The first time I got him in there without screaming I think I was too stunned to do anything but stare at him in awe...and apprehension, of course. When is he going to start screaming??
This week we're back to working on daytime naps in the crib. He's currently working on the third catnap of the day in there, swaddled tight and with the SoundSpa set to the "rain" setting. As Neal pointed out the other day, his nursery is the play room right now, and it probably doesn't help matters that in a pinch we've been resorting to setting him in his crib to be entertained by the mobile. I can't imagine any baby being lulled to sleep by that thing, it's way too stimulating. So sleeping in the crib, in the nursery, must be like trying to take a nap on the playmat to him. The sagging bassinet addition to his pack 'n' play is what inspired the transition; I'm still not sure what we plan to do for night sleep since I'm just not sure I'm ready for him to completely transition to his own room!
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