Elias hits the magical three month mark in about an hour. We don't have another regular doctor visit until the four-month mark, so I'm not sure what his stats are exactly. He definitely seems to be getting longer and heavier by the day. Neal hopped on the scale with him this evening right before his bath and he weighed in at about 14 and 1/2 pounds. Of course, the whole weigh with and without the baby isn't exactly the most accurate method, but I'd say he's at least a solid 14 pounds, which is about what I predicted. That means he's doubled his birth weight. Way to go, kid.
I feel like my posts lately have tended to focus on the more challenging aspects of the past few weeks, but let's take a moment to reflect on the progress we've made as we celebrate Elias's three-month birthday. Breastfeeding is still not quite the rosy image I always had in my mind before Elias arrived, but it has gotten much easier. We still struggle a bit with comfortable positions and nursing in public, but so long as I can sit on the couch with my boppy and not worry about being exposed, we're good.

When he's not eating, Elias is getting better at keeping that big head from bobbling around. He can even face forward in the Baby Bjorn. I can tell when he gets tired, though, because he starts to lean back and rest his head on Neal's chest (for some reason, I can rarely "wear" him in the Baby Bjorn for more than a few minutes). We're spending more time doing "baby sit-ups" and in the Bumbo seat. In general, he seems to go through phases of preferring to do more physical stuff over vocalizing and vice versa. The past couple of days, for example, he's been extremely "talkative" but doesn't seem as interested in rolling from side to side, almost like he's forgotten how to do it. Not surprisingly, it's during his more vocal days that he's more likely to giggle and squeal. Sometimes I think he's laughing not because we've done something funny but just because he can. But his latest development is an intense interest in his hands. Namely, putting them in his mouth.
So, yeah, I guess he is, as everyone said he'd be, a completely different baby from those early weeks.
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