The washcloth covering Elias in the top photo is not so much because he's modest but rather to keep him warm, a trick I learned after seeing a product that's sold specifically for this reason. A warm washcloth works just fine.
In other news, Elias seems to have finally turned a corner as far as spit-up goes late last week. Of course, every time I blog about things getting better, we seem to regress. And he's still spitting up, just less volume and less frequently. The no-dairy/no-soy diet, however, is more challenging than I thought. Not only is it difficult to find enough things to eat during the day that contain neither product, it doesn't seem to be so good for the breastfeeding mom, which is pretty ironic, since the only reason I'm doing it is so I can continue breastfeeding. I'm not sure if it's the lack of fat, calories, or just the sudden and drastic changes to my diet, but I've definitely noticed a dip in my milk supply (and energy level) over the weekend. Talk about frustrating. Things seemed to be a bit better late yesterday and today, but I'm still anxious to determine if what's causing Elias's problems is indeed dietary. We're still waiting for an appointment with the GI doc, and if he continues to improve throughout the week, I plan on reintroducing first soy and then dairy beginning this weekend. We'll see how he does. Who knows, maybe he's just beginning to outgrow the reflux on his own and I can start eating ice cream and processed foods again!
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