Sunday, August 10, 2008

escape artist

Elias is not a big fan of the daytime naps. At least not the ones that take place in the bassinet or crib. In case you're not intimately familiar with the SwaddleMe blanket, the fabric underneath his legs should be over his legs and tucked up under the part that's wrapped around his torso...oh, and his arm should be inside there, too. These wraps were way too big for him initially, which is why we used the receiving blankets in "super swaddle" mode. But now that these fit, they're much easier to use, and a little lighter in this warm summer weather. He doesn't seem to like the swaddle much, and I'm not sure we'll be able to restrain him much longer, but he does tend to sleep a little better if he's wrapped up tight.

Napping sans swaddle on Mom or Dad, on the other hand, is just fine.

Even though I'm in no rush to get Elias out of our room at night, I think we're going to attempt transitioning to daytime naps in the crib. I'm not convinced the bassinet portion of the pack 'n' play that we've been using so far is really meant for extended use. It's starting to sag a bit in the middle. Plus, it'll be nice to slowly transfer portions of the baby encampment out of the bedroom and into other areas of the apartment. That is, if it works.

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