So imagine my dismay when I started pulling clothes out of the dryer looking even smaller! And I'd washed them on cool and dried them on medium! I have a few duplicate outfits, so I was able to compare the washed version with the unwashed version. Granted, they probably weren't exactly the same size to begin with, but look how much smaller the outfits on the left are!

At any rate, the clothes sorting and washing process was something I'd really been looking forward to as I've spent the past few weeks reluctantly putting the finishing touches on the last, lingering requirements for graduation this weekend. But I have to admit, I felt incredibly overwhelmed by it all when I dove in over the weekend. I felt better today, though, opening the drawer a few times this afternoon to stare at the collection of tiny little outfits. Onesies and PJs with feet...they get me every time.
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