It was fun to see how all the babies have grown over the past five (gasp!) months. It's interesting to see what different babies are up to, who's still breastfeeding, who's eating what, if and when everyone's sleeping, etc. Elias seemed to enjoy himself, although I think seeing so many other babbling, trying-to-crawl babies was a little overstimulating for him.

In other news, we finally bought Elias a winter bunting, something we probably should have had a couple of months ago. Thank goodness for the carseat/stroller BundleMe. I've just been waiting for some older lady to scold me for dressing my baby in little more than a hoodie. At this point in the year, it's not something I wanted to pay full price for, but at more than half off the original price I figured it was worth it. And regardless of whether or not the groundhog sees his shadow tomorrow, I'm sure Elias will be able to wear his bunting for months to come. Anyway, we took a test drive yesterday after we brought it home, just to make sure it fits and makes Elias look ridiculously adorable.
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