Wednesday, December 18, 2013

the year of

One thing I failed to mention in Daphne's 10-month update yesterday is that we've got quite the babbler on our hands! We were reluctant to call it just yet (although, looking back, turns out big bro was saying a few words/sounds pretty discriminately by about 11 months) but for a few weeks now, it's pretty undeniable that her first word is cat.

For awhile she would consistently make the "c" and "t" sounds when she'd see the cats (we have two of them...still, and yeah, she's a fan) and then eventually she began to say, very clearly, "cat". It's almost always the first sound she makes when she wakes up from a nap or in the morning. And while she's definitely using the word discriminately for the cats in our house, she also uses the word for other animals we see outside - other cats, dogs, birds - and for more mysterious connections like trees. Because they're kinda fuzzy? As the kids say these days, IDEK. Anyway, here's a quick video from a couple of weeks ago, around when the above pics were taken. If you listen closely you can hear her say "cat" over and over again once she gets over to our black & white kitty, Xander.

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