Friday, February 11, 2011

Flip Fridays: Happy Valentimes!

Sorry for the no-show last Friday. I can't remember what we did but I'm sure I had a good reason to skip blogging for the week.  Without further delay, here's a video from today:

As you can see, we enjoyed a mild Valentine explosion this morning.  It's funny because I made several Valentine's Day cards for my Etsy shop but it didn't dawn on me to have Elias make some until he brought home this Valentine that he made at daycare earlier in the week:

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I don't know how we can top that, but we'll try. I doubt they'll go out before Monday but better late than never, right?  At least my V-Day post is early.  One of these days I'll get around to a Christmas re-cap (oh yeah, remember that holiday?).  In the meantime, have a great, hugs-filled weekend!

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