Friday, January 7, 2011

Flip Fridays: The Big Fat Wolf

In an effort to blog a little more regularly, I'm starting an alliterative blog series - Flip Fridays! (Because what else am I going to do on a Friday night?!) My Dad gave us a Flip camcorder over a year ago but since we can shoot video on both of our phones and our camera, it hasn't seen a whole lot of action.  The only problem with that is, even if I do take video, I'm unlikely to be the one to download and process it.  I'm hoping the Flip will help in this department and give me a weekly blog subject.  And video is great for this stage in Elias's baby/toddlerhood since some of the best things about our days together lately are what he says or sings or dances.  Things best captured in motion pictures. You get the idea. So here goes.

So today he was playing drums on the container that his set of wooden blocks, a Christmas gift from Grandma Joanne, came in.  Clever guy, right?  But you'll see the drumming quickly morphs into a discussion about the "big fat wolf." Ever since Elias watched the Blue's Clues episode in which Steve tries to piece together the clues to Blue's favorite story - The Three Little Pigs - he's a little freaked out about the whole wolf part.  He seems to think he's hearing something in the house that is the "big fat wolf," as he calls him.  This has resulted in a little more snuggling than is typical for Elias, which you see in the second half of the video.  And in that minute or so, the conversation morphs again into an investigation of the various lights on the Flip camera, including "baby lights" that mysteriously never come on. I'm biased, obviously, but it's pretty darn cute. Speaking of pigs, how 'bout that nose, huh?

Anyway, enough with the tell, now for the show:


Chrissa said...

Oh, too cute. I love the hiding on the couch and the "baby lights" discussion. Henry is talking a lot about "tiny little baby" things these days, too.

Becky G. said...

Yep, babies (okay, toddlers) talking about babies is pretty adorable!