After strolling around the mall for a bit, we checked out their children's play room, where Elias and Maggie first observed and then attempted to climb over one another.

Okay, Maggie was doing most of the frisking, I have to admit. Elias spends the first few minutes anywhere we go taking it all in and then proceeds with caution.

On Wednesday, we met another friend, Henry, at the Museum of Science where they have a discovery center for kids, complete with a separate infant area where the boys could roll around and put the communal toys in their mouths.

Elias has got some good-lookin' friends, don't you think?
On Thursday, we went to our music class as usual (week two of R&B). Elias would not sit still, until I lured him back to our spot with a scarf (we always play peek-a-boo along to that week's songs using a couple of scarves) and commented - to blank stares - how having a newly mobile baby was a little like playing with a cat. I guess they're dog people.
Anyway, when we got back from music class, Elias took a longer than usual afternoon nap...And then spent the next eight hours or so throwing up anything we tried to feed him and when he had nothing left in his tummy, proceeded to dry heave every 15 to 30 minutes. Yeah, fun night. Neal and I alternated holding him while he slept between episodes because when he did wake up he was so miserable and upset and didn't seem to remember, in those few minutes, how to roll over onto his side. Not much was coming out, but I of course was worried he'd choke on whatever he managed to bring up. Then I slept on the futon in his room until he'd been asleep for a couple of hours. He woke up once an hour or so later, after I'd returned to our bed, and was up for the day earlier than usual. I think I got about four total hours of interrupted sleep that night. I guess this latest bug isn't so surprising after visiting so many crowded, indoor places popular with kids.
In short, no part of the past three days has been quite as bad as those first eight hours, but it's been a bit of a roller coaster ride around here. He'll seem to be doing better for a stretch and then will take a step back, usually right after our doctor's office closes, prompting many a call to the night nurse. Let's just say the first stomach bug Elias had, about a month or so ago, has nothing on this one, that's for sure.
Needless to say, I'm hoping this week is a little less eventful than last.
I'm so bummed for you guys! I hope Elias is feeling better really soon. A sick baby is so sad...especially because they can't tell you anything.
I did think the new cat comment was funny. No blank stares from me.
It has been a bummer to see him so upset because of an illness - this was the first time it really affected his personality. But I always try to keep these things in perspective and am grateful he seems to be feeling much better today.
Honestly, infants are a lot like cats in a lot of ways! Just one of many ways I try to keep a sense of humor about all this. I'm glad you get it :)
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