It should be noted that the walk followed a three-plate excursion to the brunch buffet at the Thunder Valley Casino in Lincoln, California.
I have a feeling I may have exceeded the ideal pound-per-week and sort of dread the monthly weigh-in at our appointment next Friday. The appointment is also when our big ultrasound takes place, though, and the sex of the baby is magically unveiled. Initially I was hesitant to find out at all, but now that the appointment is nearing, I can hardly wait until January 11th, let alone until our EDD of June 12th. Plus, the way I see it, if you think about it, when it's a surprise, the new mom is really the last to know, the medical team, partner and anyone else in the room getting a good look for themselves a second or so before passing the news along. After nine months of pregnancy and who knows how many hours of delivery, or maybe even surgery, that doesn't seem fair. And I'm sure there will be plenty of surprises over the next 18 years or so.
Other than gaining perhaps a little too much weight during our holiday travels, visiting almost all of my in-laws in less than a week, with the pregnancy only recently announced, was downright exhausting. The attention was not only greater than during past visits, but often kind of uncomfortable. We're still getting used to this news ourselves, to be honest, so I was caught off guard when people asked about when to visit post-delivery and what our plans were next holiday season. We were encouraged to "practice" our baby handling skills on a 2-month-old belonging to the friend of an extended family member (Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic for the arrival of my own baby, and adore the offspring of family and friends, of course, but I'm not the kind of person who asks to hold a stranger's baby.). I had my belly rubbed for the first time. I might have been somewhat asking for it, having worn a maternity top before I could really fill it out, but it still came as a surprise this early on. To get an accurate feel for the baby bump at this stage, you basically have to put your hand right above my crotch and that's just awkward.
Very intriguing blog, Becky - I hope you keep it up. A friend of ours was pregnant last year and said that when people inevitably went to touch her belly, she would just reach out and touch theirs right back! I kind of liked that approach.
Ditto on the Gap ads with Amanda Peet's baby, btw. Lethal cute attack.
I've heard of that strategy and I find it hilarious! At this point the belly rub-down comes as such a surprise that I'm not sure I'd have time to think to respond in that way. We'll see if that changes as the pregnancy progresses!
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