Wednesday, September 26, 2007

what gives you baby lust?

This blog started out as an anonymous (yet online and oddly public) personal journal of family planning. After just two posts, I realized I didn't like blogging about trying to conceive, but it's a great blog title so I thought I'd hang on to it for awhile.

So, just what is this thing we call "baby lust"? I only heard the term recently, listening to an NPR segment a couple of months ago about how the third and fourth children have become the latest way for the upper middle classes to "keep up with the Jones's," as they say. I thought, wow, that's fairly upsetting, but I really liked the term one of the women used. She used the term "baby lust" to refer to that feeling she got when her friends or neighbors had baby number 3 or 4. I get that feeling all the time lately. Once you start paying attention you realize that the things that cause "baby lust" are everywhere. Go to the mall. It's teeming with pregnant women, newborns, toddlers, and adorable clothes you can dress them in. Every movie I watch lately seems to be about pregnancy or babies. When we go out to dinner there's invariably a family with a baby sitting near us. So I thought I'd write - for awhile, at least - about the things that give me "baby lust," and, conversely, the odd moments in a particularly generative day when my overwhelming urge to (pro)create gets satisfied in other, less biological ways.

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