Especially when they belong to the tiny human being growing in your belly! While the posts on this blog thus far have been genuine reflections on the little things that inspire feelings of baby lust, they've also been placeholders until the time I felt comfortable announcing, even anonymously, my impending parenthood. It seemed strange to me to blog about something I wasn't sharing with even my closest relatives and friends. Call me super-superstitious but it's a strange thing to blog about (something about it, however, is obviously compelling in that tell-all kind of way) and only now, 14 weeks and 4 days into this journey, do I feel a little more comfortable, even a little eager, to share some of the details of my pregnancy with the world wide web.
My first trimester was pretty uneventful and that is of course a wonderful thing. I had no real morning sickness, just a few days of queasiness off and on during the 7th week or so (but perhaps that coincided with a bout of cravings for spicy foods?). I have had my share of indigestion and well, there's no polite way of saying this: pregnancy gas. I've had cravings that aren't strange, per se, but odd for me: cheese, potato chips, McDonald's (what's that about?!), hot chocolate. Wait, hot chocolate's not unusual at all. I've had aversions to cooked veggies, mostly. But then the other day I had some very plain, steamed broccoli and it was downright delicious. Very strange. I tend to be craving junk food lately, but at the same time feel extra sensitive to what I put in my body. While the result will be much different, pregnancy so far - at least as it relates to food - reminds me of when I trained to run a marathon about seven years ago. It was like the not so healthy choices that would have made me feel just a little blah before threw a total wrench into my digestive system.
But mostly, my first trimester was marked by fatigue. I've never been so tired before or required so much sleep in my life, at least not as an adult. I'd get a good solid 8 or 9 hours at night but need a nap by 3 in the afternoon. That made some days working on my Master's thesis a little tricky, but I managed to get through it. I can't say I feel terribly energetic now that I'm officially in the second trimester, but I can get through more days without a nap, especially if I force myself to do yoga just when I think I'll fall asleep on the keyboard.
Anyway, I could go on, but I might as well save additional thoughts on exercise, doctor visits, and maternity clothes for later posts.