Monday, January 19, 2015

Wacky Wednesdays - a dog park for Doge

I'm way, way behind on this blog, so bear with me as I backtrack almost a year and try to catch up. You might remember my first "wacky Wednesday" post many months ago. For our second "wacky Wednesday" afternoon adventure, Elias and I ventured into North Berkeley again. Actually, we started out in Richmond, north of north Berkeley, for a run/bike ride, Doge in tow, at Point Isabel, a popular spot for folks with dogs.

So it was fitting that we brought along Doge, right?

From there we visited our favorite nursery in north Berkeley to buy a ceramic pot (ceramic being one of the "themes" for a 9 year anniversary) and a red daisy plant (the flowers we had at our wedding) for Neal's and my wedding anniversary.

We finished off the afternoon with cookies from a bakery around the corner before spending 45 minutes in traffic back to Oakland to fetch Daphne! But a good time with my little dude, nonetheless.