I realize I haven't written much in the way of more developmental posts about Elias since Daphne came along - lots of we went here, we did this posts, while Daphne gets all the she's doing this and that posts! I guess much of that kind of thing will be in the epic Kindergarten update. But one thing that's happened over the past six months or so that I've been wanting to write about is an intense attachment to one of Elias's many stuffed animals or snuggle buddies, as we call them. He's rotated through a few favorite snuggle buddies by now: there's his Taggies blanket that he's slept with since he was a baby. Other notable stuffed animals include a small Rudolph he got from Grandma Joanne for Christmas when he was 2 1/2. He toted Rudolph around for a long time, well into preschool, with many pictures taken where you can spot Rudolph tucked under his arm. Rudolph was eventually replaced by a medium sized dog purchased at Ikea named Caden after Elias's friend's Zack's brother (you follow that?). Then there was Bear Bear, one of the very first teddy bears he got - actually a bear that we got before he was born. Anyway, at some point this school year Elias switched to a small brown dog given to me while pregnant with Elias by a friend of mine from grad school. Elias calls him
Doge. At least, that's how I like to spell it. It's a little like "doggie" meets "Douggy". I like to think this is a bit of that zeitgeist thing working on a 5 year old level.
Doge's first movie theater movie. |
So intense is this attachment to Doge that he accompanies Elias
everywhere, even to school, which is forbidden but hasn't been an issue I guess because of his tiny size. Elias typically keeps Doge in his backpack, cubby, or pocket. Once he thought he'd lost Doge and apparently that turned into a classroom effort to find him, which they did. And I'm repeatedly amazed at how respectful other kids are of Elias's attachment. Occasionally I'll notice Elias toss Doge down from the play structure to be temporarily held by another kid, but they always give him back. For now, at least.
Doge goes to the dog park! We were there for a bike ride/run but the irony was not lost on me. |
And classmates will definitely attend a birthday party thrown for a stuffed animal, it turns out! When Elias first told us Doge was turning 2, on the second day of spring, I thought, oh, that's sweet. Oddly specific, and sort of inaccurate considering we've had Doge since before Elias was born, but sweet. Then he decided he wanted to have a party for Doge. Initially I thought, that's a little nutty but I guess we can celebrate as a family. Why not, right? But when Elias started telling me about how he wanted the party to be super hero themed and that he wanted party guests to bring their snuggle buddies, I thought, well what's the harm in what is essentially a play date with cupcakes? So that's what we did and it was pretty fun, I have to admit.
Daddy helped decorate.
Doge supervises party prep. |
Mommy baked cupcakes with blue frosting and red sprinkles for Superman's colors, of course.
Little sister wore a party dress and dug every aspect of these shenanigans.
Friends were invited and encouraged to bring their own favorite snuggle buddies.
One of his female friends even made Doge a sparkly cape from one of her mom's
old earrings.
Halfway through Spring, Doge is still the alpha snuggle buddy around here. Elias has explained to us that Doge's 3rd birthday is the first day of summer - same as his! - I guess this is stuffed dog birthdays according to a 5 year old. But I think one birthday party for a stuffed animal is probably enough, and anyway, he can celebrate with Elias on his 6th birthday. Anyway, while a little nutty, we'll certainly continue to encourage this "softer side" of an otherwise increasingly rambunctious big boy!