As you can see from just a few pics from this photo shoot, Daphne is on the move! She doesn't get too far but she continues to roll around, figured out how to push back into a seated position from her tummy a week or so ago (and had mastered sitting unsupported shortly after her 6 month birthday)...
...and is pretty close to crawling when properly motivated.
In general it's been a busy month for the entire family but I'll save Eli news and our second road trip for another post. Other first and notable events include - very exciting - riding in the front of a shopping cart!
Our first trip was to Costco where Elias, despite rarely wanting to sit in the cart like this as a toddler, decided he wanted to sit by his little sister. Oh the things you can do once you can sit up! We've started eating out a little more as well. It's still a bit of a drag since we have to pack up all her food and related feeding paraphernalia but she does pretty well in restaurants for now so it's been nice to resume our once-weekly allowance of dining out.
Here she is sitting next to Great Grandma Rose during our trip to Bend a few weeks ago. In fact she's doing so well sitting up that I've already retired the bouncy seat.
We've also had to lower her crib mattress since she seems to want to move right on from not yet perfecting the crawl to pulling herself up on us and pretty much anything she can reach and cruising. Already. God help us! More about August shenanigans to follow...