Sunday, September 27, 2009

road trippin'

Since Elias appears to still be recovering - sleep-wise - from our road trip to southern California two weeks ago, I don't feel bad in only now recapping that experience. And as I mentioned to a friend yesterday the hellishness of that experience must already be wearing off since we've planned a nearly identical trip north in less than a month.

We decided to get an early start, but in hindsight, I think leaving at 6 a.m. is too close to Elias's usual wake-up time to really bet on him falling back to sleep.  My hope was that he'd sleep for a bit and then we'd stop and have breakfast after he woke up.  But that didn't happen, at least not on the way there.  In fact, he only slept about an hour or so of the entire 9+ hour drive (including three pit stops and Los Angeles area traffic).  I don't know why this sort of behavior continues to surprise me.  But we kept him entertained and occupied with toys, books, food, CDs, Grandma, and a portable DVD player purchased especially for this trip. 

Even with little sleeping, the drive turned out to be the easiest part of the trip.  Elias has never been a great napper and he basically refused to take his by now fairly standard one and a half to three hour afternoon siesta in his pack 'n' play in the hotel.  The first day we tried everything - putting him to bed as usual, laying down in the bed next to him, and bringing him into bed with us (we were beat so didn't mind the idea of sleeping alongside him in lieu of getting anything done).  If anything, our presence seemed to energize him even more.  After that first day we spent the next couple of days trying to allow him to catnap in the car as much as possible and didn't even bother with an afternoon nap. 

Bedtime wasn't much better.  But I think by then he was so wiped out, while he did protest vigorously, it was short-lived and he slept pretty well after that.  He woke up a couple of times the first night and somewhat earlier than usual but otherwise he did okay at night.  The screaming, however, hasn't subsided since we've been home.  I'm not sure if he's still recovering from the trip, or if it's coincidental with some kind of phase or a little bit of both.  Either way, it's pretty disheartening to feel like we're sleep-training all over again. 

Otherwise, the trip itself included mostly spending time with Neal's brother and his family, including their newborn baby girl, Elias's third cousin and our second niece.  We did make it to the San Diego Zoo on the first full day we were there.

Elias seemed slightly more interested in the animals than he has been during previous zoological experiences but that might be because you can get pretty close to many of the animals at this particular zoo.  Elias also got his first taste of ($10!) chicken nuggets but seemed fairly unimpressed and generally distracted during lunch.

He also got his first taste of pool water and reacted as he usally does to new experiences: he seemed neither terrified nor thrilled, mostly observant and just sort of accepting of the whole thing.

That Saturday was actually his first day of swim lessons at the YMCA, which we missed for the trip but sort of made up with this casual dunk.  Neal's report is that he seems to enjoy it all, including the full dunk and the kicking, but blowing bubbles is still a little tricky.

Getting back to the trip, though, on our final full day in Escondido we met the new family for their first outing to the mall, the same mall I blogged about when we were last there for their wedding, when Elias was barely out of the newborn phase and I was still nursing him.  It's a great mall for families: in addition to the bathroom I raved about, they have a great little indoor play area and a little train you can ride for $3 per person.  Elias is really into trains lately, so this was a big hit.  Here we are on the second level of the mall, watching longingly at the train passing below:

As usual, however, Elias seemed fairly unimpressed by the train ride itself:

We left bright and early the next day.  This time Elias slept about half the trip.  Unfortunately, I didn't really catch up on sleep myself because I had a constant sugar high thanks to our discovery of Peterson's Donut Corner right there in Escondido.  I didn't manage to document any of the ridiculously delicious donuts we purchased before eating them all up, but let me tell you, they are the best donuts I've ever had.  Doughnut Plant in New York is right up there but in a different way.  In a Manhattan way.  Peterson's donuts are frosted like cupcakes.  But I digress (this is a baby blog, after all, not a donut blog!).

In short, road tripping with a toddler is like moving with one - you should only do it if you absolutely have to.  But of course the end result - seeing family - is worth it, especially our west coast relatives we haven't seen in a long while.  Which is why we'll be taking to the road again in October.  God help us.

More on the move and the offical 15 month update to follow...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Elias gets his hair did!

This non-blogging business is getting out of hand. Life has felt a little off-balanced lately, with a lot of time going to money-making efforts and while Elias and I have been having a grand old (and yes, sometimes downright challenging) time together I haven't been taking the time to slow down and document it all. But before I catch up on my tips for moving with a toddler (don't do it!) or our recent road trip, let me quickly post a few images of Elias's latest milestone, the 1st haircut.

It took about three weeks to finally get around to making an appointment on the weekend, when both Mom and Dad could witness Elias's first trim, but we finally went to Lee at Snips in the Rockridge neighborhood of Oakland (just down the road from one of our favorite burrito joints, Cactus Taqueria). Elias has been doing pretty well with the one, longer afternoon nap (more on that later) so we actually had to wake him in order to make it in time for his 4:30 appointment, which might help explain how subdued he was during the whole thing.  Lee was great - very gentle and reassuring and armed with lots of diversions, including some old-school toys and tv/vcr combos at each station.

The experience was a little emotional for me - as I was warned a little snip here and there really did make my baby look like a little boy.

We'll see if future appointments go as smoothly.